
Shipping Delay Update

To our loyal and dedicated Palmac customers,


COVID has created major challenges for many manufacturers and warehouse facilities. Many are working with reduced staff for health and safety reasons, and some facilities are catching up from being shut down all together earlier this year.

There are also some cases where some of these vendors are at maximum capacity, and manufacturing is having difficulty keeping up with the demand, which is also causing a longer delay for new inventory.

As a result of this, some items that show a lead time of approximately 2 weeks may encounter extended lead times – due to circumstances beyond our control.

If you have any questions regarding the status of your order, please contact Our dedicated team will do their best to respond to you within 2 business days.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time. We hope you can take comfort in knowing that we are doing everything we can to get your order out as soon as possible.


Kind regards,